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Passover Message

Dear TBA Friends,

We are here for each other!

Members of the TBA Board, Deb and I request that you fill out a quick survey regarding Passover and other concerns related to COVID-19. It will help us as a community respond to needs and support each other better.

We WILL be offering a Community Seder for all through Zoom. Details to come soon! More Passover resources are below.

QUICK SURVEY - Please answer 7 questions regarding the Seder and other needs by Wednesday, April 1.

Todd Levine may not be catering our TBA community Seder, but he is cooking. or call (978) 535-6449

As the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts nearly all aspects of modern American life, many are now unable to leave their homes. In the face of this crisis, our Jewish traditions play an even more vital role in our sense of security and community.

This Passover, Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) is supporting the Greater Boston Jewish community by delivering complimentary seder boxes to those who are unable to cook or obtain a meal due to these difficult times — because we want all who are hungry to come and eat. 

Each box contains a prepared meal for two people, as well as a seder plate, romaine leaves, herbs, horseradish, a shank bone, a roasted egg, salt water, charoset, a box of matzah, and grape juice. All packages are kosher, and vegetarian meals are available.

The Torah teaches that we shall not own leaven (chametz) during Passover. The rabbis had us sell our chametz for the duration of the holiday to avoid economic loss - without having to literally remove it from our homes. For more information about this practice and to sell your chametz SELL CHAMETZ.


Combined Jewish Philanthropies COVID-19 Emergency Fund (for those in need) and other Boston Area Resources and Events

Webinar on running a Passover Seder virtually (and you can make your own hagaddah!)


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